We learned that orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they're not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes. -David Platt

Monday, April 4, 2016

A Year Full of Visitors

Before I moved to Haiti, someone told me it'd have a good idea to have a friend visit during my first year living here.  I think it's safe to say we more than exceeded that expectation!  It has been so much fun to share Children of the Promise and my life in Haiti with my friends back in the States.  Thanks for visiting me, loving on the kids, and keeping me supplied with peanut butter and Doctor Pepper :)


It seemed only fitting that Jess was my first official visitor.  She helped me with a couple projects in the pharmacy, did some fun photography work, and enjoyed reconnecting with this little guy.


Always up for an adventure, Tracy came down to visit last June.  We had a lot of fun hanging out with the kids.


After spending a year in the Dominican Republic, Mary came to visit COTP before heading back to Florida.  She got to participate in our 4th of July festivities.


Eight adults and four kids from my home church, Vintage Faith Community, came to volunteer in August.  Thanks for blessing the kids, Galen, Erin, Mark T, Mark V, Oleah, Christina, Andy, Jeanie, Olivia, Malachi, Halle, and Kayla!


Darcy came to visit for the month of October.  She helped me with a lot of nursing duties, including a few hospital runs and helping me take care of some newly admitted babies.


Michele and Lisa had a super busy visit.  They helped me to do well child checks and developmental screenings on all of the kiddos, and physical therapy evals on all of our kids with special needs.  I think I made them work harder than any of my other visitors, but we accomplished so much in a short time.

Donna, I'm sorry we didn't get a picture while you were here!


Mindy and Al helped me take care of these little guys who were both recuperating from surgery at my house.  They also took care of Baby S on her first night at COTP.  Al helped with a lot of projects around the campus and Mindy helped me sort and reorganize all the medical supplies in our depot.


My brother, Brendan, was my first family member to come visit.  He casted about fifteen of our kids for AFOs and other braces.  He's coming back to visit next week to deliver the braces and we can't wait for all the kids to have their own custom orthotics.


Cara made a day trip to visit and to hang out with her buddy B.  It was so fun to have Cara visit after the big role she played in my move to COTP.

Jared and Amanda spent a week hanging out, playing with the kids, and helping with projects around the campus.  They were great babysitters in the Hope House!


Libby and Rori helped us celebrate St. Patrick's Day at COTP.  They baked birthday cakes, babysat kiddos, and put lots of smiles on my face.


My most recent visitor, Vikki, traveled with me to Port Au Prince to bring Baby S home.  She helped me care for this sweet munchkin in her first few days back at COTP.

And just to round the year out, Jess is returning for another visit tomorrow :)  It's certainly been an eventful year!  Who wants to come visit in 2016?

Children of the Promise has given permission for the posting of the photos on this site.  Photos taken of  the children in the care of Children of the Promise are not to be posted publicly without explicit permission given by Children of the Promise.