We learned that orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they're not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes. -David Platt

Monday, December 12, 2016

Looking back on this past year we’ve seen God come through in some incredible ways with all that has happened at COTP in 2016.  Several kids’ adoptions were finalized and they joined their forever families.  Many kids overcame some serious medical challenges.  We were able to serve so many families through our outpatient formula and Medika Mamba programs.  Each one of those kids has a name and a story, and we’re grateful for the chance to be a part of it.  But I’d like to share the story of just one little boy named Keven.

Keven lived with us at COTP for a little over two years.  He was abandoned at a local hospital and came to live at COTP a little while before his second birthday.  Keven wasn’t your “typical” little boy.  He wasn’t able to walk or talk like the other kids in his home. He had a lot of feeding issues.  He was sick a lot.  He needed a lot of therapy.  While it might have been easy to see all the things Keven couldn’t do, there was plenty that he could do.  He communicated in his own way, through his smiles, through the way he’d wave his hands and feet in the air.  He let us know what he did and did not like.

In April Keven got sick.  He spent time in the hospital.  After coming home he spent countless days in his bed or his chair, being loved and cared for by his foster parent,Tori.  Feeding tubes, oxygen, suction machines, medication after medication, he was a sick little boy.  Keven would get a little better, but then he’d get sick again before his body had any real chance to recover.  In September Keven got really sick.   He was battling an aspiration pneumonia and we really didn’t think he was going to recover.  Tori and I talked about our goals for Keven and more than anything we wanted him to be where he was comfortable and loved.  We didn’t want him to pass away in a hospital bed, away from his home, away from those who cared for him the most.  We agreed that we would keep Keven at COTP.

Somehow Keven managed to prove us wrong again. He showed some baby steps of improvement and Tori put together the most memorable fourth birthday party for him.  What a blessing that was, to get to celebrate this little guy!

Then, about a month ago, Keven took a turn for the worse again.  Though he had proved us wrong many times before, we knew that is was unlikely he’d recover again.  We continued to make Keven’s comfort our number one priority.  Tori did such an amazing job attending to his needs.  One night we were praying for Keven and, through the tears, it was obvious how much he was loved.  There were so many tears and it was so hard to watch him struggle, because we loved this little boy so very much.

Last night Keven passed away in his sleep.  We were able to do something that isn’t often done in Haiti, to give him a peaceful passing.  We were able to treat his symptoms and he wasn’t in pain or struggling to breath.  He was in his home, beside Tori, and was comfortable.  This might seem like an odd story to share with you, when talking about all the big things that have been accomplished this past year, certainly there were many stories with “happier” endings I could have chosen to share.  But when I reflect on all the things God did in 2016, Keven will most certainly be on my mind.  We didn’t know how many days Keven would be with us at COTP, but God did.  Keven was only on this earth for four years, but during that time he was so very loved.  He was well cared for.  He was cherished for exactly who he was.  So while the outcome may not have been what we hoped for, we take great comfort in knowing that Keven was incredibly valued and loved for the time that he was ours at COTP.  We are so grateful for the years we had with him and we are so appreciative of those of you who support us here at COTP, and enable us to provide this level of love and care for Keven and the other kids entrusted into our care.

"Do not let your heart be troubled.  You believe in God; believe also in me.  My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.  You know the way to the place where I am going." -John 14:1-4 

Children of the Promise has given permission for the posting of the photos on this site. Photos taken of  the children in the care of Children of the Promise are not to be posted publicly without explicit permission given by Children of the Promise.