Dear W,
Sometimes I feel like a broken record when I tell people “the days are long but the years are short”. It not only sums up life in Haiti but also life with small children, because somehow here we are a year later celebrating your second birthday.
You have endured so much this past year; an EEG, CT scan, surgery, feeding tubes, medications, SO many medications. This has not been an easy year for you and it hasn’t been an easy year for me watching you struggle. We clocked so many hours in the rocking chair during long days and sleepless nights when you were in so much pain and discomfort. Yet somehow, you’ve come out on the other side of it all as one of the happiest kids I know.
My two favorite parts of the day with you are first thing in the morning and right before I put you to bed. When I get you out of your crib in the morning not only does your face light up but your entire body lights up. Since you’re the early bird and S likes to sleep in we usually spend some one on one time in the morning. We sit on the porch and you drink your milk while I drink my coffee and read Psalms to you. At night I used to have to rock you to sleep every day. But now you don’t really “need” me to. I still do it anyway though, because you are the best snuggler and it’s my other favorite part of our routine.
You love the water whether it’s the pool or the beach or the shower. With your new lifejacket you can float in the pool and you always have the biggest smile on your face as you just love to kick your legs and splash in the water. Your favorite foods right now are yogurt, potatoes, and just about any fruit. You recently had a breakthrough with the sippy cup, so strawberry milk is one of your favorites now too. You love to be read to and even though you are usually getting fussy at bedtime you will instantly calm down and get a big smile on your face when it’s time to read from the Jesus Storybook Bible. You also get very excited whenever it’s time to pray and I help you to fold your chubby little hands. You always always get a big smile on your face when we say “amen”. Your new favorite song is Unstoppable God. There’s a line in that song “Impossible things in Your name they shall be done” that always reminds me of you because you are already doing things that doctors told me would be impossible for you to do.
I'll keep praying for God to accomplish many more impossible things in and through your life W. And maybe now that you're two I'll stop calling you the baby, but I'm not making any promises...
Children of the Promise has given permission for the posting of the photos on this site. Photos take of the children in the care of Children of the Promise are not to be posted publicly without explicit permission given by Children of the Promise.