We learned that orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they're not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes. -David Platt

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Six Months of Baby W

Today marks six months since this little guy, baby W, came to live at COTP.  He was so fragile when he first came home.  His jaundiced skin hung off of his thin arms and legs.  He had the tell-tale cough of pertussis, which is scary in any baby, but particularly in a four pound malnourished baby without any reserves.  His treatment regimen consisted of antibiotics, a feeding tube, oxygen to help him through the rough coughing spells, and a whole lot of love.  There were a few rough nights when I didn't know if that would be enough.  But praise God it was, and little W is now not so little any more! He has the most infectious giggle, the cutest dimples, and the way he coos is almost too cute to handle.  This boy brings so much joy to those around him and I am so grateful for the opportunity to take care of him during this season of his life.

Admit day


Children of the Promise has given permission for the posting of the photos on this site. Photos taken of  the children in the care of Children of the Promise are not to be posted publicly without explicit permission given by Children of the Promise.

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