We learned that orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they're not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes. -David Platt

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Dear W

I intended to write to you for your first birthday.  But as always time got away from me.  So I hope you’ll forgive me and instead I thought I’d write to you today, commemorating one year since you came to live at COTP.

I look back at pictures from when you first came home and I can hardly believe that’s you.  You were so tiny, so sick, and just so so fragile.  You looked like a wrinkled eighty year old man in a four pound body. You had a lot of acute issues for us to deal with right off the bat, namely malnutrition, jaundice, pertussis, and poor feeding.  Those pertussis coughing spells when you struggled to breath were so scary, especially when you were already so weak. The only good thing about pertussis was that it meant you had to be isolated, so we had five days of one on one time. After your rough start in life, it seemed only appropriate to give you a little extra TLC and one on one care.  It was clear right from the start what a sweet little man you were.  It was also clear that you were going to have me wrapped around your little finger.

Even though that first week was so rough, you were continually getting better and stronger. Soon your sunken eyes and sagging skin were replaced with chubby cheeks and rolls on your thighs.  It seemed like we had overcome your medical difficulties.  But as the months went by, I learned that there was more going on in your little body than we initially knew.  Your rough start in life has left you with some long term medical issues.  In fact these last three months have been really, really tough as a result of some of those issues.  I’ve struggled to find answers, something to make you feel better.  I wish I could take away all of your pain and struggles, but I can’t.  So together we’ll keep looking for answers and praying for Jesus to bring healing to your little body.

You love to be read to and really enjoy textured board books that you can feel.  Your favorite song is Joy by Housefires, you always smile and love to dance when it comes on.  It’s perfect for you, because not only are you such a joyful little boy but you bring so much joy to those around you too.  Though you’re not a fan of the pool you love bath/shower time and getting a good massage with your post bath time lotion.  I love the way your whole face lights up and you kick your legs when I pick you up out of your crib in the morning.  Your absolute favorite thing in the world is snuggling and rocking in the rocking chair, it might just be one of my favorite things too.  When you smile you have the cutest dimples and little gap between your two front teeth.  You already love it when we pray and flash that sweet smile whenever I say “amen”.

Every day I pray for your health, that you’ll know how much God loves you, and that you’ll be with your forever family very soon.  I don’t know how many days you’ll be in my arms and under my roof.  But I know that for as long as that is, I’ll cherish you.  I’ll fight for you.  I’ll protect you.  And I’ll most definitely love you. 

Happy one year little man, you are so very loved!

Children of the Promise has given permission for the posting of the photos on this site.  Photos taken of  the children in the care of Children of the Promise are not to be posted publicly without explicit permission given by Children of the Promise.

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